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Antoine Bailey

Co-founder and Executive Director, in 2007, Antoine Bailey developed a city-wide response to the rising tide of escalating violence in the City of Pittsburgh.  Building upon a successful pilot program, Antoine combined community service, mediation, and leadership to address inter-neighborhood rivalries and reduce violence during the summer months.  Initially serving 200 young men in 10 neighborhoods, the program expanded to the county involving 25 neighborhoods and over 500 young men.


Antoine also convened a Roundtable of over thirty young non-traditional African American leaders as problem solvers and mediators.  Working with the roundtable, Antoine led several initiatives including registering disengaged individuals in Obamacare, assisting with registering over 400 youth and young adults for summer employment, conducting outreach and awareness information sessions in disenfranchised neighborhoods, and implementing alternative programs for 18-24 year olds. 


Antoine also established a culinary training and work experience program and construction skill preparation. In addition to developing grassroots projects positively impacting a high risk population, Antoine has extensive experience in mediation and conflict resolution, as well as training in mental health first aid and wellness planning.


Antoine and Anna Marie Mumich have worked closely together for over 10 years. 

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